今天(1月27日)343和微软正式向所有《光环5 Halo5》玩家们推送了1月例行的免费更新“无尽号弹药库Infinity’s Armory”,本次更新的补丁容量为3.3G,从现在起进入游戏即可以收到本次更新的推送提醒。
本次更新加入了2张全新地图,分别是与之前的Fathom同一类型的竞技场Arena地图Riptide;与Noctus为同一类的战区突击Warzone Assault地图Urban。
此外《光环2》的经典BR55战斗步枪回归; 2把全新的卡宾枪“The Rain of Oblivion”和“Blood of Suban”加入;全新Achilles装甲;2个刺杀动作“WIND UP”和“STOP STABBING YOURSELF”以及全新枪支皮肤、徽章等超过50项REQ新内容。
- New Arena map Riptide added
- New Warzone Assault map Urban added
- Over 50 new REQs including weapons, armor, emblems, and more have been added
- Modified color of Blue Team in multiplayer to improve Red vs Blue balance
- Increased Warzone REQ Leveling speed
- Increased Warzone weapon despawn time from 5 seconds to 20 seconds
- Fixed exploits on Overgrowth that allowed players to get out of normal map boundaries
- Fixed map holes on Antifreeze, Recurve, Basin, and Deadlock
- Fixed issues with Trident that allowed players to shoot through certain walls
- Added Line of Sight toggle option for use in custom games, such as Octagon
- The option to change teams has been added to the pause menu in custom games
- Fixed “fast fall” and “slide boost” exploits
- Reduced the zoom time of the SPNKr Rocket Launchers
- Increased brightness of the Classic BR scope
- Reduced melee damage while boarding Wraiths and Scorpions
- Sword of the Faithful Beam Rifle now kills with a headshot
- Fixed issue where Maintain Sprint being toggled off didn’t allow players to slide when sprinting
User Interface:
- Spartan Rank Progress now appears under all players’ nameplate
- Active Roster updated to show whether or not friends are joinable and/or can be spectated
- Rarity is displayed for REQs in Spartan HUB Customization
- Players can now see equipped customization items from Spartan Appearance, Spartan ID, and Weapon Skins rather than going to each individual menu screen
未经允许不得转载:游戏早知道 » 《光环5》1月例行更新“无尽号弹药库Infinity’s Armory” 正式上线 容量3.3G含2张全新地图