《古墓丽影:崛起Rise Of Tomb Raider》简体中文版成就正式公布,本次游戏为大家提供了66项可供挑战的成就任务,共1000点成就点数。
尽管《古墓丽影:崛起Rise Of Tomb Raider》和《刺客信条:枭雄》一样都只有单机剧情模式,但是《古墓丽影:崛起》拥有更多的游戏挑战模式和可玩性,如果想要获得全成就也不像《刺客信条:枭雄》那么简单。
此外这次的《古墓丽影:崛起Rise Of Tomb Raider》不仅将包含简体中文,更是自带普通话配音,水晶动力和微软的诚意可见一斑。
纵火犯Firestarter 5
使用一个汽油弹杀死2个敌人Defeat two enemies or more using a single Molotov Cocktail
酒吧斗殴Bar Brawl 10
使用酒瓶近战杀死一个敌人Melee kill an enemy using a bottle
快速恢复Rapid Recovery 5
在战斗中治疗3次Heal yourself in combat 3 times
叛徒Renegade 10
近战将5名敌人推下悬崖Melee 5 enemies off a ledge
3倍威胁Triple Threat 10
用散弹枪一发杀死3个敌人Kill 3 enemies with 1 Shotgun blast
可靠老伙伴A Trusty Old Friend 10
使用任何枪支在十秒内杀死5个敌人Kill 5 enemies within 10 seconds using any rifle
大无畏Fearless 15
仅使用近战和终结技击败不死剑士Defeat a Deathless Swordsman using only melee attacks and a finisher
膝盖终结者Fall Guys 10
通过射击腿部杀死10名敌人Kill 10 enemies by shooting them in the leg
单边对话One-Sided Conversation 10
在交谈时暗杀任何敌人Stealth kill an enemy while he is having a conversation
咕噜咕噜Glub Glub Glub 10
溺死3名敌人Drown 3 enemies using a water finisher
正义之刃Blade of Justice 10
使用刀具暗杀25名敌人Perform 25 special stealth kills with the knife
真有必要?Was That Really Necessary? 10
炸死任意动物Kill any animal with an explosive
阅读历史Reading the Past 10
翻译一块历史石碑Translate one Monolith
武器大师Weaponsmith 10
将任一武器升满级Fully upgrade one weapon
装备大师Craftswoman 10
制作5件装备Craft 5 pieces of Equipment
弓箭大师Master Fletcher 10
制作25支弓箭(火箭、爆炸箭、毒箭)Craft 25 of each special arrow type (Fire, Grenade, Poison)
自力更生Self-Improvement Junkie 10
购买任一分类的所有技能Purchase all skills in one category
语言流利Fluent 10
任一一门语言达到最高熟练度Reach max proficiency in one language
发下法律Laying Down The Law 15
再不换弹的条件下杀死6个敌人Kill 6 enemies with the Revolver without reloading
英国血统English Pedigree 15
在25米外用弓箭爆头一个敌人Headshot an enemy with an arrow from a distance beyond 25m
化学战争Chemical Warfare 15
使用一只毒箭杀死5名敌人Kill 5 enemies with one Poison Arrow
千里眼Keen Eye 15
发现40个求生点Unearth 40 Survival Caches
真相代价The Price of Truth 15
以任何难度通关Finish the game on any difficulty
专找麻烦Looking for Trouble 10
完成5个挑战任务Complete 5 Challenges
举手之劳Good Samaritan 10
完成3个任务Complete 3 Missions
死亡铃声Dead Ringer 10
使用栓式步枪完成25次爆头Get 25 headshots using the Bolt-Action Rifle
安详逝去Quick and Painless 10
通过射击心脏杀死15头鹿Shoot 15 deer in the heart
挑战达人Challenging 10
完成任一古墓挑战Complete any Challenge Tomb
古墓丽影Tomb Raider 50
在一次流程中完成所有古墓挑战Complete all Challenge Tombs in one playthrough
人中之女Woman of the People 25
完成所有任务Complete every Mission
追寻真相Truth Seeker 10
完成25%文字类道具收集(遗物、壁画、文献)Collect 25% of all narrative assets (relics, murals, and documents)
往昔之声Voices of the Past 15
完成25%文字类道具收集(遗物、壁画、文献)Collect 75% of all narrative assets (relics, murals, and documents)
强迫症Compulsive 25
完成所有挑战Complete every Challenge
花式射击Trick Shot 10
在空中射中一个酒瓶Shoot a bottle out of the air
烤肉大餐Rotisserie 10
在空中用火射中一只鸡Shoot a chicken out of the air with a fire arrow
收藏专家Quite the Collector 10
收集150张卡片Collect 150 cards
博物馆专属These Belong in A Museum 15
收集300张卡片Collect 300 cards
挑战开始Way to Go 15
在分数攻击模式下以铜牌以上评价完成每一个任务Complete every level in Score Attack with a bronze score or better
金童玉女Golden Child 25
在分数攻击模式下以金牌评价完成每一个任务Complete every level in Score Attack with a gold score
镀金Gilded 10
在分数攻击模式下以金牌评价完成一个任务Complete a level in Score Attack with a gold score
好的开始是成功的一半Well Begun Is Half Done 10
在分数攻击模式下以金牌评价完成10个不同任务Complete 10 different levels in Score Attack with a gold score
难缠敌手My Own Worst Enemy 10
在分数攻击模式下使用200%卡牌奖励完成一个任务Complete a level in Score Attack with a card bonus of 200% or more
钢铁意志Iron Will 10
在分数攻击模式下使用5张卡牌完成一个任务Complete a level in Score Attack using 5 cards
就这点能耐?That All You Got? 10
在1个分数攻击模式任务中完成3次重复挑战Complete 3 Replay Challenges in one Score Attack level
购物狂人Avid Shopper 10
在供应点购买所有道具Purchase all items from the Supply Shack
终极生存者Ultimate Survivor 40
在生存者难度下完成游戏Finish the game on Survivor difficulty
表达敬意Paying Respects 10
参加一场葬礼Attend a funeral
索道Zipper 15
制作一条索道Perform a manual zip line transfer
下一个恶作剧For My Next Trick... 15
跳入井中Dive into a well
静谧时光Quiet Time 5
在屋子里找到最舒适的位子Find the best seat in the house
不入虎穴,焉得虎子No Guts, No Glory 15
做出2.5秒以上的跳水动作Perform a 2.5 second or longer swan dive
毫发无损Untouchable 25
在无伤条件下完成5个不同的任务Replay 5 different levels without taking any damage
培根Bacon! 10
使用汽油弹杀死一头野猪Kill a razorback boar using a Molotov cocktail
女猎手Huntress 10
穿女猎手服装杀死50只动物Kill 50 animals while wearing the Huntress outfit
西伯利亚游骑兵Siberian Ranger 15
在游戏完成后击败15个遭遇者Beat 15 combat encounters after completing the game
千辛万苦No Stone Unturned 40
达到100%游戏完成度Achieve 100% game completion
被选中的极少数The Chosen Few 15
发现所有Jacob弟子 Uncover the remains of all Jacob's disciples
天崩地裂Quite A Tumble 10
在雪崩中存活Survive the avalanche
跟随老爸的足迹Following in Father's Footsteps 10
进入迷失先知的叙利亚坟墓Enter the Syrian tomb of the Lost Prophet
外表柔弱,内心坚强Tougher Than She Looks 10
在西伯利亚的荒野生存一夜Survive a night in the Siberian wilderness
奇怪的同伴Strange Acquaintance 10
从古拉格集中营救出Jacob Rescue Jacob from the gulag
走上大路Taking the High Road 10
在原住民群落点燃烽火Light the signal fire in the Remnant Valley
援助之手A Helping Hand 15
保护原住民免受Trinity入侵Defend the Remnants from the Trinity invasion
解密之钥The Key To It All 10
发现地图谱册 Recover the Atlas
不惜代价Whatever It Takes 15
从Konstantin解救Jonah Rescue Jonah from Konstantin
人迹罕至The Road Less Travelled 15
解锁通往Kitezh的道路Unlock the path to Kitezh
未经允许不得转载:游戏早知道 » 《古墓丽影:崛起》中英成就列表全汇总 内容玩法丰富颇具挑战性