
Xbox One《腐烂国度2》预下载正式开放 完整成就列表同步公布

今天(5月8日)《腐烂国度2 State of Decay 2》预下载正式开放,游戏预载容量为20G,这里我们“游戏早知道www.yxzd.com”特别说明的是预下载仅开放给已经预购游戏的玩家们,通过游戏通行证体验游戏的玩家则仍然要等到游戏22日正式上线之后才能下载游戏。在游戏开放预下载的同时,本作的完整成就列表同步公布,详见文章底部完整列表。


《腐烂国度2》支持Xbox Play Anywhere , 于5月22日登陆Xbox One主机及Windows 10 PC 平台。预定了《腐烂国度 2: 终极版》的玩家将可于5月18日提前体验游戏并可在Xbox One 主机及 Windows 10 PC 平台获得 “独立扩展包( Independence Pack)” 和 ”破晓扩展包 (Daybreak Pack)“(扩展内容将会在晚些时候与玩家见面)。在《腐烂国度2: 终极版》中还将包括《腐烂国度:周年生存版》Xbox One 版游戏兑换码。 《腐烂国度 2:标准版》和《腐烂国度2:终极版》现已开启预定,在5月21日前预定任意版本的玩家将可获得独占游戏装备。

《腐烂国度 2:标准版》港服定价234港币,约188RMB,预购地址:点击进入

《腐烂国度 2:终极版》港服定价349港币,约282RMB,预购地址:点击进入

最后特别说明的是《腐烂国度2》也将在5月22日首发当日加入Xbox游戏通行证,大家通过订阅Xbox游戏通行证也可以在Xbox One和Win 10 PC双平台同时体验到游戏。

Xbox游戏通行证Xbox Game Pass 1个月订阅服务港服定价79港币,约65RMB,购买地址:点击进入

《腐烂国度2》共 62个成就,1,000点成就点数, 2个隐藏成就,完整列表如下:

成就名称 成就描述 成就点数
Puppies and Kittens Kill 100 zombies. 10
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 5
Toothpaste Piñatas Search 10 containers. 5
No Stone Unturned Search 100 containers. 20
I Got You a Pony Deliver a rucksack to your Storage facility. 5
I Got You a Pack Mule Deliver 50 rucksacks to your Storage facility. 20
Construction Complete Build a facility at your base. 5
Paradise City Build 10 facilities at your base. 20
Heart of Darkness Destroy a plague heart. 10
These Dreams Destroy 5 plague hearts. 20
Welcome to the Jungle Recruit a new survivor to your community. 10
Through a Glass Darkly Survey 5 sites from high places. 5
Silent Cartographer Survey 50 sites from high places. 10
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 5
No More Strangers Earn enough standing to promote a recruit to citizen. 10
Gotta Be Larger than Life Earn enough standing to promote a citizen to hero. 20
Breach and Clear Secure 5 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie. 10
Every Piece of Trash in Town Secure 25 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie. 10
Sorry for Party Rocking Destroy an infestation. 10
The Purge Destroy 10 infestations. 20
Flash Mob Destroy a horde. 10
Crowd Control Destroy 25 hordes. 20
Road Warrior Kill 50 zombies with your car door. 10
Blind Justice Kill a feral. 15
Barley and Spoiled Blueberries Kill a bloater. 15
Glutton for Punishment Kill a juggernaut. 15
Call Me Any Anytime Call in a radio command. 10
Citizen Z Call in 25 radio commands. 20
Men Without Hats Shoot the helmet off an armored zombie. 10
I Ran So Far Away Choose a specialization for the Cardio skill. 15
Knowing is Half the Battle Choose a specialization for the Wits skill. 15
Wax On, Wax Off Choose a specialization for the Fighting skill. 15
Short Controlled Bursts Choose a specialization for the Shooting skill. 15
Mediocre! Elect a warlord as the leader of your community. 15
Nice Moves There Elect a sheriff as the leader of your community. 15
Doctor Terminus Elect a trader as the leader of your community. 15
Can We Fix It? Yes We Can! Elect a builder as the leader of your community. 15
Total Eclipse Destroy every plague heart in your territory. 40
Holding Down the Couch Switch to a different survivor when you become fatigued. 10
Be Still My Dog of War Complete a campaign with the warlord's legacy. 30
I Am the Law Complete a campaign with the sheriff's legacy. 30
Speedy Delivery Complete a campaign with the trader's legacy. 30
If You Build It, They Will Come Complete a campaign with the builder's legacy. 30
Dam Fine Territory Settle a base in the foothills territory. 30
Ten Thousand Gallon Hat Settle a base in the plateau territory. 30
Tilting at Windmills Settle a base in the valley territory. 30
The Next Generation Start a new community with survivors from a completed one. 20
Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jaeger! Shoot off a flare (or volunteer to help someone who does). 20
Walkers and Biters Kill 1,000 zombies. 20
Others and Wights Kill 10,000 zombies. 40
From the Top of My Lungs Kill 4 screamers. 15
What We Do in the Shadows Destroy a plague heart at night. 10
War Rig Use the Auto Shop to create an upgrade kit and apply it to a vehicle. 20
Rucks in Trucks Transfer a rucksack from a vehicle's inventory directly into your base. 10
Who Run Bartertown? Build the Trade Depot facility at your base. 15
Mercy Hospital Build the Field Hospital facility at your base. 15
Citizens First and Soldiers Second Build the Armory facility at your base. 15
Enemy at the Gates Build the Sniper Tower facility at your base. 15
Piggyback Ride Finish off a juggernaut with a melee execution. 10
Friendship is Magic Work with 5 enclaves to make them your allies. 20
Black Friday Spend Influence to buy 10 items from enclaves. 10
Can Buy Me Love Earn influence by selling 10 items to enclaves. 10

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