微软ID@Xbox项目在与Twitch合作的首次独立游戏线上展示活动中共展示了55款独立游戏,其中20款将同步加入Xbox游戏通行证。ID@Xbox项目负责人Chris Charla也分享ID@Xbox项目所取得的成绩,自该计划启动以来与ID@Xbox合作发行的独立游戏超过2000款,独立开发人员已获得了超过20亿美元的收入。
拉力赛艺术(Art of the Rally)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
星位继承者(Astria Ascending)2021
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
男友地牢(Boyfriend Dungeon)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & PC)

Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & PC
死寂之旅(Dead Static Drive)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & PC

永恒边缘(Edge of Eternity)2021
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
你好邻居2(Hello Neighbor 2)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
废墟图书馆(Library of Ruina)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
森林小魔女(Little Witch in the Woods)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
月光水岸(Moonglow Bay Recompile)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Xbox Cloud Gaming, & PC

成田男孩(Narita Boy)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming

无人救世(Nobody Saves the World)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
Omno 2021夏
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Xbox Cloud Gaming, & PC
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & PC

她在别处做梦 (She Dreams Elsewhere)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & PC
潜行者2(S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2)
仅Xbox Series X|S & Xbox Cloud Gaming

上行战场(The Ascent)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Xbox Cloud Gaming, & PC
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Xbox Cloud Gaming, & PC
森林之路(Way to the Woods)
Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Xbox Cloud Gaming
狂野之心(Wild at Heart)
Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One

- Adios (Mischief)
- Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield (Headup Games)
- Airport for Aliens Run By Dogs (Strange Scaffold)
- Alba: A Wildlife Adventure (Plug In Digital, ustwo games)
- Alchemic Cutie (PM Studios, Viridian Software, Vakio)
- Among Us (Innersloth)
- Art of Rally (Funselektor)
- Astria Ascending (Dear Villagers, Artisan Studio)
- Atrio: The Dark Wild (Isto)
- Blaster Master Zero (IntiCreates)
- Chivalry 2 (Koch Media, Tripwire Interactive, Torn Banner Studios)
- Cloud Gardens (Noio Games)
- Clouzy! (TinyMoon)
- Craftopia (Pocketpair )
- Dark Alliance (Wizards of the Coast, Tuque Games, ForwardXP)
- Death’s Door (Devolver Digital, Acid Nerve)
- Demon Turf (Fabraz)
- Despelote (solimporta)
- Echo Generation (Cococucumber)
- Enlisted (Gaijin Distribution, Darkflow Software)
- Exo One (Future Friends Games, Exbleative)
- Exomecha (TwistedRed, Nail AKINCI)
- Griftlands (Klei Entertainment, Skymap Games)
- Hello Neighbor 2 (tinyBuild)
- Iron Corbo: Kung Fu Janitor (2DOS Games )
- Knight Squad 2 (Chainsawesome Games)
- Lake (Whitethorn, Gamious)
- Last Oasis (Snail Games, Donkey Crew)
- Lawn Mowing Sim (Curve Digital)
- Little Witch in the Woods (SKT, Sunny Side Up)
- Loot River (straka.studio)
- Lost Eidolons (Ocean Drive Studio)
- Mad Streets (Craftshop Arts)
- Moonglow Bay (Coatsink Software, Bunnyhug)
- Narita Boy (Team17, Studio Koba)
- Nobody Saves the World (Drinkbox Studios)
- Omno (Studio Inkyfox)
- Onsen Master (Whitethorn, WakingOni)
- Princess Farmer (Whitethorn, Samobee Games)
- Rust (Double11, Facepunch Studios)
- Second Extinction (Systemic Reaction)
- Song of Iron (Escape)
- Soup Pot (Chikon Club, Chryse)
- Spaceline Crew (Coffeenauts)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 (GSC Gameworld)
- Super Space Club (GrahamOfLegend)
- The Ascent (Curve Digital, Neon Giant)
- The Big Con (Skybound Games, Mighty Yell Studios)
- The Forest Cathedral (Whitethorn, Wakefield Interactive)
- The Last Stop (Annapurna Interactive, Variable State)
- The Riftbreaker (Exor Studios)
- The Wild at Heart (Humble Bundle, Moonlight Kids)
- Twelve Minutes (Annapurna Interactive, Luis Antonio)
- Voidtrain (HypeTrain Digital, Nearga)
- We are the Caretakers (Heart Shaped Games)

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