
《巫师3》主机版1.05补丁公布 第6波免费DLC本周上线

CD Projekt Red正式公布了主机版1.05补丁的具体更新说明,这次的补丁修复了游戏多处任务BUG、提升游戏稳定性为主、取消了金币重置的上限,但没有新功能的改进。同时官方确认1.06补丁也正在制作之中,而1.06补丁将会是一个非常重要改动,也是一个大补丁。

在此之前有消息传出,称CD Projekt Red可能将会为《巫师3》新增“New Game+”即二周目的设定,二周目的设计暂定为继承角色等级、技能、装备但完全重置任务,毕竟目前大家通关后再继续各支线任务会有非常强烈的失落感,而且达到满级的动力也不足,加入二周目会让玩家们更有兴趣探索下去。不过现在还不清楚二周目的设定是否会在1.06补丁中实现。

- Gold will no longer reset beyond 65535
- Fixes lack of interaction with Roche on Oxenfurt Bridge in the quest 'Get Junior'
- Geralt's clothes will no longer be wet after leaving the menu
- The gate in the crypt now works correctly during the quest 'Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear'
- Fixes the endless loading screen when fighting the Ice Giant during the quest 'Lord of Undvik'
- Mutagen bonuses will now be saved properly.
- Potion of Clearance will no longer be automatically placed into the quick slot if player runs out of other edibles
- Fixes issue where some skills were not removed properly by Potion of Clearance
- Improves stability in gameplay and the UI

巫师wither3 1.05补丁

同时官方也公布了本周也就是第6波《巫师3》的免费DLC。一个DLC追加任务和一个服装DLC,分别是“史凯利杰的悬赏任务Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted”和“白狼的史凯利杰盔甲套装Skellige Armor Set”。请Xboxone、PS4以及Steam等各平台的玩家们及时下载,以免遗忘。
巫师wither3 史凯利杰DLC



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