《全面战争:战锤3 Total War: WARHAMMER III》将于22年2月17日登陆PC平台发售,首发同步加入PC版Xbox游戏通行证。游戏确认支持官方中文,支持单人和线上2-4人多人游戏。
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成就名称 | 说明 | 点数 |
Animated Adversary | Play a multiplayer battle. | 5 |
Obliterate the Odds | Win a campaign battle in which you are outnumbered 10-to-1. | 15 |
Quest for Success | Fight a quest battle. | 5 |
Talented Amateur | Win 10 battles during a single campaign. | 5 |
Professional Tactician | Win 50 battles during a single campaign. | 10 |
The Art of Surprise | Win 5 ambush battles during a single campaign. | 10 |
Blazing Besieger | Win 25 siege attack battles during a single campaign. | 5 |
The Battle for Bokha | Playing as Kislev, win the quest battle to free Boris Ursus. | 10 |
The Road to Riches | Playing as Cathay, complete a Caravan’s journey. | 5 |
Heavens Above | Playing as Cathay, construct the Grand Observatory of Xing Po. | 5 |
Man the Wall | Playing as Cathay, occupy the entirety of the Great Bastion. | 5 |
Celestial City Secured | Playing as Cathay, occupy Wei-Jin. | 5 |
Shoulders of Giants | Playing as Cathay, recruit a Terracotta Sentinel to one of your armies. | 5 |
Sensational Steed | Have a special mount. | 5 |
Elevated Excellence | Have 3 special mounts. | 10 |
White Hat | Have 1 level 10 Hero. | 5 |
Centres of Excellence | Have 2 level 20 Heroes at the same time. | 10 |
The Height of Valour | Have 3 level 30 Heroes at the same time. | 15 |
Rising Power | Have a level 10 Lord. | 5 |
Dominating Force | Have a level 20 Lord. | 10 |
Peak Nobility | Have a level 30 Lord. | 15 |
The Gatekeeper | Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Brass Citadel in the realm of Khorne. | 20 |
The Gardener | Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Mansion of the Plaguelord in the realm of Nurgle. | 20 |
The Courtesan | Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Palace of Slaanesh in the realm of Slaanesh. | 20 |
The Librarian | Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Impossible Fortress in the realm of Tzeentch. | 20 |
Tear Down the Walls | Raze 1 settlement. | 5 |
Burn the World | Raze 30 settlements during a single campaign. | 15 |
Forward Position | Construct an allied outpost in a military ally’s settlement. | 5 |
Most Constant Votary | Playing as the Daemon Prince, ascend to a Chaos God’s path. | 10 |
Godly Might Given | Playing as the Daemon Prince, ascend to the Undivided path. | 15 |
Benisons of the Capricious | Playing as the Daemon Prince, unlock 15 Daemonic Gifts. | 15 |
Boons of the Mercurial | Playing as the Daemon Prince, unlock 5 Daemonic Gifts. | 10 |
Common Cause | Have a military alliance with 5 other factions at the same time. | 5 |
League of Nations | Have a military alliance with 10 other factions at the same time. | 10 |
Commercial Comforts | Have a trade agreement with 5 other factions at the same time. | 5 |
Trading Nation | Have a trade agreement with 10 other factions at the same time. | 10 |
A Steady Stream | Have a gross income of 5,000 per turn. | 5 |
Well-Heeled | Have a gross income of 20,000 per turn. | 10 |
Your Coffers Overfloweth | Have a gross income of 60,000 per turn. | 15 |
Into the Aethyr | Enter the Realm of Chaos using a Rift. | 5 |
The Blood Must Flow | Playing as Khorne, reach the highest level of Bloodletting with an army. | 5 |
The Collector | Playing as Khorne, collect 10,000 Skulls. | 10 |
Unmaker of Magick | Playing as Khorne, construct the Khadeium Paradox. | 5 |
The Blood is the Life | Playing as Khorne, recruit a Bloodthirster to one of your armies. | 5 |
Intravenous Injection | Playing as Khorne, replace a Herald of Khorne with an Exalted Bloodthirster. | 5 |
Matriarchal Power | Playing as Kislev, invoke each type of Motherland in a single campaign. | 5 |
Reclaim Your Place | Playing as Kislev, occupy Kislev, Erengrad and Praag. | 5 |
Bear With Me | Playing as Kislev, recruit an Elemental Bear to one of your armies. | 5 |
Arms Appropriated | Borrow an army from a military ally. | 5 |
Partners in Conquest | Play a multiplayer campaign. | 5 |
Ailment Accumulator | Playing as Nurgle, collect 5000 Infections. | 5 |
The Fly Master Cometh | Playing as Nurgle, recruit a Great Unclean One to one of your armies. | 5 |
Pustulent Promotion | Playing as Nurgle, replace a Herald of Nurgle with an Exalted Great Unclean One. | 5 |
Angel of Disease | Playing as Nurgle, spread a Plague. | 5 |
Elements of Decay | Playing as Nurgle, unlock all of the Plague ingredients. | 5 |
Royal Ranks Ramped | During the Prologue, fill Yuri’s army with units. | 5 |
A Mortal Wound Inflicted | During the Prologue, win your first battle in the Chaos Wastes. | 5 |
Establish & Advance | During the Prologue, construct 5 buildings. | 5 |
The End of the Beginning | Complete the Prologue. | 15 |
Enchanted Arsenal | During the Prologue, equip Yuri with every type of magic item. | 15 |
Two Noble Heads | During the Prologue, recruit a second Lord. | 5 |
Reverser of Ruin | During the Prologue, capture a settlement in the Chaos Wastes. | 5 |
Spires to the Sky | During the Prologue, fully upgrade a settlement. | 5 |
Self-Improvement | During the Prologue, spend 10 skill points. | 5 |
Opus Eternal | Playing as Slaanesh, construct the Pandemournium. | 5 |
Feaster on Fear | Playing as Slaanesh, recruit a Keeper of Secrets to one of your armies. | 5 |
Succulence Selected | Playing as Slaanesh, replace a Herald of Slaanesh with an Exalted Keeper of Secrets. | 5 |
Purveyor of Perversion | Playing as Slaanesh, spread a Gift of Slaanesh. | 5 |
Temptation’s Troops | Playing as Slaanesh, summon a Disciple Army. | 5 |
Revelry in Riddles | Playing as Tzeentch, construct the Symposium of Change. | 5 |
Municipal Manipulator | Playing as Tzeentch, take control of a settlement via the Changing of the Ways. | 5 |
Terror Transmogrified | Playing as Tzeentch, recruit a Lord of Change to one of your armies. | 5 |
Change Up | Playing as Tzeentch, replace a Herald of Tzeentch with an Exalted Lord of Change. | 5 |
Face the Strange | Playing as Tzeentch, unlock all Changing of the Ways actions. | 10 |
Eastern Emperor | Playing as Cathay, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Eastern Emperor | Playing as Cathay, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
All Souls Slain | Playing as the Daemon Prince, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Dark Master | Playing as the Daemon Prince, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
Blood God | Playing as Khorne, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Blood-Soaked Victor | Playing as Khorne, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
Northern Nicator | Playing as Kislev, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Oblast Overlord | Playing as Kislev, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
Legendary Strategist | Win a singleplayer campaign on Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
Lord of Decay | Playing as Nurgle, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Decrepit Defeater | Playing as Nurgle, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
Prince of Excess | Playing as Slaanesh, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Twisted Vanquisher | Playing as Slaanesh, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
Changer of Ways | Playing as Tzeentch, win a singleplayer campaign. | 25 |
Winged Warlord | Playing as Tzeentch, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. | 30 |
总成就点数 | 1000 |
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