《微软飞行模拟年度版 Microsoft Flight Simulator: Game of the Year Edition》现已登陆Xbox Series X|S、Windows PC微软商店和Steam。本次年度版更新为免费更新,已购买或XGP《微软飞行模拟》老用户从现在起也可以免费更新至年度版。
- Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet
- VoloCity
- Pilatus PC-6 Porter
- CubCrafters NX Cub
- Aviat Pitts Special S1S
- Germany
- Leipzig/Halle Airport (EDDP)
- Allgäu Airport Memmingen (EDJA)
- Kassel Airport (EDVK)
- Switzerland
- Lugano Airport (LSZA)
- Zurich Airport (LSZH)
- Luzern-Beromunster Airport (LSZO)
- United States
- Patrick Space Force Base (KCOF)
- Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (KNKX)
6个新的探索航班地点:Helsinki, Freiburg im Breisgau, Mecca, Monument Valley, Singapore, Mount Cook。
新摄影测量城市:Helsinki (Finland), Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), Brighton, Derby, Eastbourne, Newcastle, and Nottingham (UK) and Utrecht (Netherlands)。
14个新教程:Bush flying (in an Icon A5)和IFR (in a Cessna 172)。

《微软飞行模拟年度版 Microsoft Flight Simulator: Game of the Year Edition》现已登陆Xbox Series X|S、Windows PC微软商店和Steam发售。游戏计划将于2022年更新官方中文。游戏支持4K、HDR10、Xbox Series X|S性能强化。首发同步加入Xbox游戏通行证。

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