《帝国时代4 Age of Empires IV》预购现已在Win10国服商店和Steam同步开放,作为RTS即时战略游戏本作仅登陆PC平台。游戏支持官方中文、中文语音,支持4K、HDR10。支持单人游戏、多人线上联机和跨平台联机。《帝国时代4》将于10月28日发售,登陆Win10 PC、Steam,首发同步加入PC版Xbox游戏通行证。
立即预购《帝国时代 IV》,即可免费获赠将于 2021 年 8 月推出的《帝国时代 II:决定版》扩充包:《公爵的崛起》。
Win10国服商店Win10版《帝国时代4》定价249 RMB,购买地址:点击进入。
Steam版《帝国时代4》标准版定价248 RMB,豪华版定价298 RMB,购买地址:点击进入。
《数字豪华版》 除了《帝国时代 IV》所有好物之外,还加赠数字赠品内容:《帝国时代 IV》官方原声带、单位反制图和艺术家克雷格·穆林斯所绘制的数字画作,以及专属游戏内容:盾徽、玩家档案和纪念碑。

最受欢迎的即时战略游戏之一将随《帝国时代 IV》荣耀回归,让您置身于塑造现代世界的史诗般历史战役的中心。本作同时采用常见及创新手法,让您能在以令人惊艳 4K 视觉保真度呈现的浩大场景中拓展帝国版图,并成功带领进化版即时战略游戏迈向新世代。
重返历史:当您沉浸于涵盖英格兰、中国乃至德里苏丹国等横跨世界八大文明的丰富历史场景时,这些辉煌的过去都是您追求最终胜利的序章。建造城市、管理资源并带领您的军队征战海陆,完成从黑暗时代以至文艺复兴时期共横跨 500 年历史的 4 场独特战役及其所属的 35 项任务。
运用模组自定义游戏:预计于 2022 年初推出的新功能,让您能运用用户生成的内容工具和模组随心所欲玩自定义游戏。
挑战世界:立即上线就可使用 PVP 和 PVE 多人游戏模式,与最多 7 名好友进行竞赛、合作或观战。
适合所有玩家的一代:《帝国时代 IV》能为新手玩家带来愉快的游戏体验,内含专供学习即时战略游戏精华的教程系统,以及特别设计的战役故事模式,让新手玩家能轻松完成设置、获得胜利;而其全新游戏机制、进化策略及战斗技术对资深玩家而言也不乏挑战性。

成就名称 | 成就说明 | 点数 |
Empires Will Rise | Construct your first Landmark. | 5 |
Kingdoms Will Fall | Defeat 20 enemy units. | 5 |
A New Age Is Upon Us | Complete the Introductory Tutorial. | 5 |
The Normans | Complete The Normans campaign. | 10 |
The Hundred Years War | Complete The Hundred Years War campaign. | 10 |
The Mongol Empire | Complete The Mongol Empire campaign. | 10 |
The Rise of Moscow | Complete The Rise of Moscow campaign. | 10 |
Age of Empires IV Campaign | Complete the Age of Empires IV campaigns | 50 |
The Fundamentals | Complete the Training Mastery. | 5 |
Quick Study | Complete your first Civilization Mastery task. | 5 |
Master of the English | Complete the English Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the French | Complete the French Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Holy Roman Empire | Complete the Holy Roman Empire Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Mongols | Complete the Mongol Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Rus | Complete the Rus Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Delhi Sultanate | Complete the Delhi Sultanate Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Chinese | Complete the Chinese Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Abbasid | Complete the Abbasid Mastery. | 10 |
Master of the Ages | Complete all Civilization Masteries. | 50 |
Recorded History | View a replay. | 5 |
By Force | Achieve a Landmarks Victory. | 5 |
By Faith | Achieve a Sacred Victory. | 5 |
By Fortune | Achieve a Wonder Victory. | 5 |
Make It Quick | Achieve a Landmarks Victory in the Dark Age (I). | 10 |
Walk the Earth | Achieve a Sacred Victory without losing a religious unit. | 10 |
Wonderstruck | Achieve a Wonder Victory without constructing walls. | 10 |
Precious Medals | Earn a medal in 3 Art of War challenges. | 10 |
Challenge Taker | Earn your first gold medal in an Art of War challenge. | 10 |
Record Breaker | Earn a gold medal in 5 Art of War challenges. | 10 |
Sub-Human Subduer | Win a 1v1 match against the Easy A.I. | 5 |
Par-Human Potentate | Win a 1v1 match against the Intermediate A.I. | 10 |
High-Human Hero | Win a 1v1 match against the Hard A.I. | 20 |
Super-Human Subjugator | Win a 1v1 match against the Hardest A.I.f | 50 |
The Faithful | Convert 30 enemies without holding a Relic as the Abbasid Dynasty. | 10 |
All the World’s Knowledge | During a match, research everything in the wings of the Abbasid House of Wisdom. | 10 |
Shifting Winds | Defeat 1,000 enemy cavalry units with your Camel Riders as the Abbasid Dynasty. | 20 |
A Golden Age | Achieve the third tier of the Golden Age as the Abbasid Dynasty. | 5 |
Dread Fort | Kill 100 enemies with Keeps as the English. | 10 |
Pass the Marshmallows | Use the Setup Camp ability 20 times as the English. | 5 |
We Charge Extra for That | Shutdown a Cavalry Charge with Palings as the English. | 20 |
Hope Is Kindled | Extend the Network of Castles alarm across 12 buildings simultaneously as the English. | 10 |
Lancerlot | Charge an enemy with 50 Royal Knights simultaneously as the French. | 5 |
Who Needs Infantry? | Win a match without producing infantry as the French. | 20 |
Big Shot | Destroy 1,000 enemy units with gunpowder siege engines as the French. | 10 |
Do You Deliver? | Accrue 1,000 Food from Traders in a single match as the French. | 10 |
Wild’s Bounty | Accrue 2,000 Gold with Hunting Cabins in a single match as the Rus. | 5 |
Big Game Hunter | Earn 500 Gold from bounties in a match as the Rus. | 20 |
Deforestation | Gather Wood 1,000 times as the Rus. | 10 |
In Memory of Kulikovo | Enhance 10 units with a single Saint’s Blessing strike as the Rus. | 10 |
Raiding Party | Raid an enemy building in the Dark Age (I) as the Mongols. | 10 |
Jagutu-iin Darga | Enhance 100 units with a single Khan Signal Arrow as the Mongols. | 5 |
Long Live the Khan | Win a match without your Khan being killed as the Mongols. | 10 |
Explore, Expand, Exploit | Accrue 10,000 Stone in a single match as the Mongols. | 20 |
Who Needs Cavalry? | Win a match without producing cavalry as the Holy Roman Empire. | 10 |
Inspired Economics | Have at least 60 simultaneously inspired Villagers as the Holy Roman Empire. | 20 |
Servants of the Land | Kill 10,000 enemies with Landsknechte. | 10 |
Swift Site | Begin capturing a Sacred Site immediately upon entering the Castle Age (III) as the Holy Roman Empire. | 5 |
Herd You Like Elephants | Destroy 100 enemy buildings with your elephants as the Delhi Sultanate. | 10 |
Field Construction | Build a Stone Wall, Gate, and Tower using infantry as the Delhi Sultanate. | 5 |
Higher Education | Have 20 Scholars garrisoned in a Madrasa as the Delhi Sultanate. | 10 |
Pantomath | Research all technologies in a match as the Delhi Sultanate. | 20 |
Be Subtle | Reveal 300 Villagers with a single use of Imperial Spies as the Chinese. | 10 |
Great Walls | Construct 1,000 Stone Walls as the Chinese. | 5 |
Move Like Wind, Attack Like Fire | Defeat 1,000 enemy units with the Nest of Bees as the Chinese. | 20 |
Four Histories | Establish all of the Dynasties in a single match as the Chinese. | 10 |
Wololottery | Assume control of 25 units in a single conversion. | 10 |
Having a Blast | Destroy 5 enemies with a single Demolition Ship detonation. | 10 |
All Creek, No Paddle | Sink an enemy Transport Ship that is garrisoned to maximum capacity. | 10 |
Through the Ages | Advance to the next Age 500 times. | 20 |
Coast Is Clear | Win a match during which fishing was your only source of gathered Food. | 5 |
Accurate Likeness | Equip your first portrait. | 5 |
To Remind, To Advise, To Warn | Equip your first monument. | 5 |
A Heraldic Achievement | Customize your coat of arms. | 5 |
Counter-Raider | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Chivalry | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Siegebreaker | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Quit Touching Me! | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Du Bois Are Back in Town | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Fill the Coffers | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Battle Royal | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Careful Cannons | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Twinkle Hooves | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Yeah, Well, You Should See the Other Guy | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Forgot a Batu | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Boom Boom Pao | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Keep the Change | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Get Off My Bailey! | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Ancient Tower Defense | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
Classic Conquest | Play the game to find out! | 10 |
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