
《战争机器5》11月10日更新内容公布 战役可使用多人模式皮肤

微软官方正式公布《战争机器5 Gears 5》11月10日战役模式更新的详细内容,多人模式行动5更新则将于11月17日上线,新的剧情DLC“ Hivebusters”将于12月正式发布,与此同时《战争机器:战术小队》也将于11月10日登陆2代Xbox主机,2020年末对于《战争机器》粉丝来说同样是精彩纷呈。


戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 Dave Batista加入战役模式,可用Batista替换Marcus Fenix,Marcus的所有台词均经过重新录制。






 OFFStandard Gears 5 visuals
Big head mode Bounce HeadAll enemies and allies have large bouncing heads 
 Big HeadAll enemies and allies have their heads enlarged
Active ReloadNormalStandard Gears 5 active reload mechanic
 Refills clipGet free ammo on a successful active reload
 Reload only when successfulReload only happens on a successful active reload
Execution RulesON / OFFToggle option so downed swarm enemies can only be killed through executions 
Play as a drone ON / OFFToggle option to have your heroes replaced with a Swarm Drone. This will override your skin selection.
Headshot explosionNormalStandard Gears 5 headshot visuals
 ConfettiHeads explode into confetti
 GrenadeHeads explode damaging nearby enemies
Health RegenerationNormalStandard Gears 5 health regeneration 
 CoverRegenerate health only while in cover
 DamageRegenerate health only when dealing damage
 Cover or DamageRegenerate health only while in cover or when dealing damage
 Out of combatRegenerate health only after a combat encounter is done
Melee Resistant JuviesON / OFFToggle this option to make Juvies harder to kill with melee attacks
Enemy ModifiersNormalStandard Gears 5 enemy damage or health
 ShockEnemies deal area shock damage
 VampiricEnemies heal when dealing damage
 FreezingEnemies deal freezing damage
 PoisonEnemies leave a poison pool behind when killed
 Passive RegenEnemies regenerate health after not taking damage
Low Gravity Death ON / OFFToggle this option to have enemies float in the air when killed
Total AmmoNormalStandard Gears 5 amount of ammo you can carry
 HalfReduce total ammo available per weapon
 DoubleIncrease total ammo available per weapon
Aggressive EnemiesON / OFFToggle option to make all enemies behave more aggressively
Friendly FireON / OFFToggle option to allow damage between allies
Shielded enemiesON / OFFToggle option to have Grenadiers, Hunters and Scions have an invulnerable front shield
Voiced gun soundsON / OFFToggle Option to replace the gun sounds with voiced effects
Jack CooldownsNormalStandard Gears 5 cooldown for Jack’s abilities 
 HalvedJack’s ability cooldowns are halved
 FastJack’s ability cooldowns are minimized
Screen Effects OFFStandard Gears 5 visual effects 
 Golden HourEnable the Golden Hour look
 Film GreenEnable the Film Green look
 Film BlueEnable the Film Blue look
 Gears 1 Enable the Gears 1 look
 Gears 2Enable the Gears 2 look
 Gears 3Enable the Gears 3 look
 GrayscaleEnable the Grayscale look
 Pink UnicornEnable the Pink Unicorn look
 Movie PosterEnable the Movie Poster look
 Kait’s NightmareEnable Kait’s Nightmare look
 Retro PixelEnable the Retro Pixel look
 Glow OutlineEnable the Glow Outline look
 Cartoon OutlineEnable the Cartoon outline look
 TrippingEnable the Tripping look
 ScanlinesEnable the Scanlines look
 Heat VisionEnable the Heat Vision look
 DistortionEnable the Distortion look
 Vintage FilmEnable the Vintage Film look
 SketchEnable the Sketch look

Xbox Series X|S强化效果:

  • PC Ultra画质(XSX更出色)
  • PC Ultra-HD纹理包(仅XSX)
  • 60FPS过场动画(仅XSX)
  • 多人模式120 FPS
  • 屏幕空间全局照明,动态照明反射
  • 每像素精准的接触阴影
  • 加载时间缩短4倍
  • 比PC Ultra特效多50%粒子
  • 动态延迟输入(DLI)

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