从2015年11月开始至2019年6月结束,微软总计为Xbox One带来了多达615款的兼容Xbox 360及初代Xbox游戏,而这些兼容游戏也将全部实现在下一代Xbox主机的兼容。
随着Xbox One兼容工作的告一段落,在此我们“游戏早知道www.yxzzd.com”特别为大家完整汇总这615款Xbox One兼容游戏并特别归纳出超过20款中文大作供大家参考。
已获兼容的支持Xbox360&初代Xbox中文游戏包括:《忍者龙剑传 2》、《忍者龙剑传3:刀锋边缘》、《光环》系列、《战争机器》系列、《神鬼寓言》系列、《光环战争》、《求生之路2 L4D2》、《Alan Wake》、《巫师2》、《失落的奥德赛》、《蓝龙》(土耳其服)、《翡翠帝国 Jade Empire》、《细胞分裂:黑名单》(日服)、《孤岛危机3》、《除暴战警》、《除暴战警2》、《最终幻想13-2》、《最终幻想13:雷霆归来》(韩服)等。
此外在615款游戏中还有69款作品获得了Xbox One X强化支持。Xbox 360 的游戏经过性能强化后能够在 Xbox One X 上以更高的分辨率和9倍的像素数运行。Xbox One X 的强劲性能允许 Xbox 360 的游戏在不经任何代码修改的基础上,就以尽可能最棒的状态呈现给玩家。
获Xbox One X强化的兼容Xbox360游戏同时还追加了支持游戏设置内“画质强化”模式(更好的游戏画面)和 “运行强化”模式(更稳定的帧数)切换选择,按视图和菜单键进入Xbox360菜单页面设置。Xbox One X版兼容游戏分辨率可以达到Xbox360原版的9倍。在Xbox One和Xbox One S上兼容初代Xbox游戏分辨率将达到原版的4倍,而在Xbox One X上则是原版的16倍。
69款Xbox One X强化兼容游戏完整列表如图所示:


615款Xbox One兼容Xbox360、初代Xbox游戏完整列表:
游戏列表 | 游戏类型 | 发行商 | 加入日期 |
0 day Attack on Earth | Arcade | Square Enix | 2017/10/26 |
3D Ultra Minigolf | Arcade | Activision | 2017/04/20 |
A Kingdom for Keflings | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
A World of Keflings | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
ACE COMBAT 6: Fires of Liberation* | Games On Demand | BANDAI NAMCO | 2019/01/16 |
Aegis Wing | Arcade | Xbox LIVE Arcade | 2016/01/21 |
Age of Booty | Arcade | Capcom | 2016/01/21 |
AirMech Arena | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2019/03/21 |
Alan Wake* | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2016/03/17 |
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/02/11 |
Alaskan Adventures* | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/04/27 |
Alice: Madness Returns | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/01/24 |
Alien Hominid HD | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Aliens vs Predator | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2018/11/29 |
Altered Beast | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/04/26 |
Anomaly Warzone Earth | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/07 |
Aqua | Arcade | Xbox LIVE Arcade | 2016/06/07 |
ARKANOID Live! | Arcade | Taito Corporation | 2016/09/08 |
Armed and Dangerous | Original Xbox | LucasArts | NEW |
Army of Two | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/03/28 |
Assassin’s Creed (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2016/03/21 |
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/06/27 |
Assassin’s Creed II | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Assassin’s Creed III | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/05/23 |
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/04/03 |
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2018/07/03 |
Assassin’s Creed Revelations | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/03/23 |
Assassin’s Creed Rogue | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/02/23 |
Assault Heroes 2 | Arcade | Activision | 2017/04/25 |
Astropop | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/11/29 |
Asura’s Wrath | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | NEW |
ATARI Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe | Arcade | Atari | 2015/11/12 |
Axel & Pixel* | Games On Demand | 2K Play | 2018/03/13 |
Babel Rising* | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2016/06/16 |
Band of Bugs | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/05/04 |
Banjo Kazooie: N and B (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Banjo-Kazooie (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Banjo-Tooie (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Batman: Arkham Origins* | Games On Demand | Warner Bros. Interactive | 2017/08/08 |
BattleBlock Theater | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Battlefield 1943 | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2018/05/24 |
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat* | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | NEW |
Battlefield 3 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/01/10 |
Battlefield: Bad Company | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/08/17 |
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/01/10 |
Battlestations Pacific | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2019/01/10 |
Battlestations: Midway | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2016/10/11 |
Bayonetta | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2016/09/08 |
Beat’n Groovy | Arcade | Konami | 2017/01/12 |
Bejeweled 2 | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Bejeweled 3 | Arcade | PopCap Games | 2016/09/06 |
Bellator: MMA Onslaught | Arcade | 345 Games | 2015/11/12 |
Beyond Good & Evil HD | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2016/07/21 |
BioShock | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2016/12/13 |
BioShock 2 | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2016/12/13 |
BioShock Infinite | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2016/12/13 |
BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien* | Arcade | Delisted? | 2016/05/05 |
Black | Original Xbox | Electronic Arts | 2017/10/23 |
Blazing Angels* | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/06/27 |
Blinx: The Time Sweeper | Original Xbox | Microsoft | 2018/04/17 |
Blood Knights | Arcade | Kalypso Media | 2016/06/23 |
Blood of the Werewolf | Arcade | Midnight City | 2015/11/12 |
Bloodforge | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/30 |
Bloodrayne 2 | Original Xbox | Majesco Entertainment | 2017/10/23 |
BloodRayne: Betrayal | Arcade | Majesco Entertainment | 2015/11/12 |
Blue Dragon | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2016/11/01 |
Bomberman Battlefest | Arcade | Hudson Entertainment | 2016/08/18 |
Boom Boom Rocket | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2016/07/26 |
Borderlands | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2015/11/12 |
Borderlands 2 | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2017/02/23 |
Bound by Flame | Games On Demand | Focus Home Interactive | 2016/09/15 |
Braid | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Brain Challenge | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/16 |
Breakdown | Original Xbox | Bandai Namco | 2018/04/17 |
Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2019/03/21 |
Brütal Legend | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2018/09/18 |
Bullet Soul | Games On Demand | 5pb. | 2017/05/04 |
Bullet Soul -Infinite Burst- | Games On Demand | 5pb. | 2017/05/04 |
Bully Scholarship Ed. | Games On Demand | Rockstar Games | 2016/12/15 |
Burnout Paradise* | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/11/22 |
Burnout Revenge | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/05/08 |
Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013* | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/04/27 |
Cabela’s Hunting Expeditions* | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/04/27 |
Cabela’s Survival: SoK* | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/04/27 |
Call of Duty 2 | Games On Demand | Activision | 2016/08/23 |
Call of Duty 3 | Games On Demand | Activision | 2016/09/22 |
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Games On Demand | Activision | 2018/03/29 |
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/09/28 |
Call of Duty: Black Ops | Games On Demand | Activision | 2016/05/17 |
Call of Duty: Black Ops II | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/04/11 |
Call of Duty: Ghosts | Games On Demand | Activision | 2017/06/29 |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | Games On Demand | Activision | 2018/08/28 |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 | Games On Demand | Activision | 2018/06/19 |
Call of Duty: World at War | Games On Demand | Activision | 2016/09/27 |
Call of Juarez Gunslinger | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/09/25 |
Call of Juarez: The Cartel* | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/09/25 |
CAPCOM ARCADE CABINET | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2016/07/21 |
Carcassonne | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/02/26 |
Cars 2: The Video Game | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2017/03/02 |
Cars: Mater-National | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2017/11/14 |
Castle Crashers | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/08/30 |
CastleStorm | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Castlevania Harmony of Despair | Arcade | Konami | 2019/03/14 |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/10/30 |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD | Arcade | Konami | 2018/10/30 |
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow* | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/10/30 |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Arcade | Konami | 2016/03/17 |
Catherine | Games On Demand | Atlus USA | 2016/12/15 |
Centipede & Millipede | Arcade | Atari | 2015/11/12 |
Child of Eden | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/10/12 |
CLANNAD* | Games On Demand | 株式会社プロトタイプ (Prototype Co.) | 2016/12/15 |
Comic Jumper | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/23 |
Comix Zone | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/04/26 |
Command and Conquer 3 Kane’s Wrath* | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2019/01/24 |
Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2019/01/24 |
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2019/01/24 |
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2019/01/24 |
Commanders: Attack of the Genos | Arcade | Activision | 2017/04/25 |
Condemned: Criminal Origins | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Conker: Live and Reloaded | Original Xbox | Microsoft Studios | 2018/04/17 |
Contra | Arcade | Konami | 2017/04/20 |
Costume Quest | Arcade | THQ | 2019/05/07 |
Costume Quest 2 | Arcade | Midnight City | 2017/07/18 |
Counter-Strike: GO | Arcade | Valve Corporation | 2016/01/21 |
Crackdown 2 | Games On Demand | Microsoft Game Studios | 2019/03/08 |
Crackdown (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2018/02/27 |
Crazy Taxi | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge | Original Xbox | Microsoft | 2017/10/23 |
Crysis | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/10/16 |
Crysis 2 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/10/16 |
Crysis 3 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/10/16 |
CRYSTAL DEFENDERS | Arcade | Square Enix | 2016/07/21 |
Crystal Quest | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/23 |
Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/06/27 |
Dante’s Inferno | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/07/17 |
Dark Souls | Games On Demand | Bandai Namco | 2016/03/24 |
Dark Void | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2016/03/21 |
Darksiders (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | THQ | 2017/03/23 |
Darksiders II | Games On Demand | THQ | 2017/03/23 |
DAYTONA USA | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/03/21 |
de Blob 2 | Games On Demand | THQ | 2016/09/08 |
Dead Rising 2: Case West | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2017/03/02 |
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2017/03/02 |
Dead Space | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/03/30 |
Dead Space 2 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/04/27 |
Dead Space 3 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/04/27 |
Dead Space Ignition | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2016/11/15 |
Dead to Rights | Original Xbox | Bandai Namco | 2017/10/23 |
Deadfall Adventures | Games On Demand | Nordic Games | 2017/10/26 |
Deadliest Warrior | Arcade | Spike | 2017/08/08 |
Deadliest Warrior: Legends | Arcade | 345 Games / Spike Games | 2015/11/12 |
Deadly Premonition* | Games On Demand | XSEED Games | 2017/11/02 |
DeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2016/09/06 |
Defense Grid: The Awakening | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Destroy All Humans! | Original Xbox | THQ Nordic | 2018/04/26 |
DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2015/12/17 |
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut (Get on SmartGlass) | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2016/05/10 |
DIG DUG | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/05/05 |
DiRT 3* | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2015/11/12 |
DiRT Showdown* | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2015/11/12 |
Discs of Tron | Arcade | Disney Interactive Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Disney Bolt | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2017/08/08 |
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2017/08/03 |
Disney/Pixar: Brave The Video Game | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2018/02/20 |
Divinity II – The Dragon Knight Saga | Games On Demand | Focus Home Interactive | 2018/04/03 |
Domino Master | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/05/24 |
DOOM | Arcade | Bethesda Softworks | 2015/11/12 |
DOOM 3 BFG Edition* | Games On Demand | Bethesda Softworks | 2016/04/14 |
DOOM II | Arcade | Bethesda Softworks | 2015/11/12 |
Doritos Crash Course | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Double Dragon Neon | Arcade | Majesco Entertainment | 2016/04/26 |
Dragon Age 2 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/05/03 |
Dragon Age: Origins | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/01/10 |
Dragon’s Lair | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/10/11 |
Driver San Francisco* | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/01/16 |
DuckTales: Remastered | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2016/05/24 |
Duke Nukem Forever | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/12/04 |
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project | Arcade | Gearbox Software | 2016/04/12 |
Dungeon Siege III | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2015/11/12 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2016/06/23 |
Earth Defense Force 2017 | Games On Demand | D3 Publisher | 2017/11/30 |
Earth Defense Force 2025 | Games On Demand | D3Publisher of America | 2018/08/07 |
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon | Games On Demand | D3 Publisher | 2017/07/11 |
Earthworm Jim HD* | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Eat Lead | Games On Demand | D3 Publisher | 2016/10/13 |
EnclevermentExperiment | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/09/27 |
Enhancted Arms* | Games On Demand | FROM Software | NEW |
Enslaved | Games On Demand | Bandai Namco | NEW |
Escape Dead Island | Games On Demand | Deep Silver | 2016/11/15 |
Every Extend Extra Extreme | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/09/27 |
F1 2014 | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2017/07/11 |
Fable Anniversary (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/10/05 |
Fable Heroes | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2018/06/26 |
Fable II (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Fable II Pub Games | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/10/05 |
Fable III (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Faery: Legends of Avalon | Arcade | Focus Home Interactive | 2016/05/10 |
Fallout 3 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Bethesda Softworks | 2015/11/12 |
Fallout: New Vegas | Games On Demand | Bethesda Softworks | 2016/06/23 |
Far Cry 2 | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/01/16 |
Far Cry 3 | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/03/30 |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2016/08/09 |
Far Cry Classic | Arcade | Ubisoft | NEW |
Far Cry Instincts Predator | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | NEW |
Feeding Frenzy | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Feeding Frenzy 2 | Arcade | PopCap Games | 2015/11/12 |
FIGHT NIGHT CHAMPION | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/05/15 |
Fighting Vipers | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/08/08 |
FINAL FANTASY XIII (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2018/11/13 |
FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2018/11/13 |
Final Fight: Double Impact | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2016/05/10 |
Flashback | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2016/06/16 |
FLOCK! | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2016/07/19 |
Forza Horizon (Xbox One X Enhanced, get on SmartGlass app) | Games On Demand | Turn 10 Studios | 2016/08/30 |
Foul Play | Arcade | Sold Out Sales | 2016/06/09 |
Fret Nice | Arcade | TECMO | 2016/07/21 |
Frogger | Arcade | Konami | 2016/04/28 |
Frogger 2 | Arcade | Konami | 2016/05/10 |
From Dust | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2019/05/07 |
Frontlines: Fuel of War | Games On Demand | THQ | 2017/07/18 |
FUEL | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2019/01/10 |
Full Spectrum Warrior | Original Xbox | THQ Nordic | 2018/04/26 |
FunTown Mahjong | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2016/09/27 |
Fuzion Frenzy | Original Xbox | Microsoft | 2017/10/23 |
Galaga | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/02/15 |
Galaga Legions | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/10/20 |
Galaga Legions DX | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/04/28 |
Garou -Mark of the Wolves- | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2016/04/12 |
Gatling Gears | Arcade | Intergrow Inc | 2016/09/06 |
Gears of War | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Gears of War 2 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Gears of War 3 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Gears of War: Judgment | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved | Games On Demand | Sierra | 2017/05/02 |
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/02/25 |
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 | Arcade | Activision | 2017/05/02 |
Ghostbusters | Games On Demand | Atari | 2017/01/10 |
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime | Arcade | Atari | 2016/04/26 |
Gin Rummy | Arcade | Activision | 2017/04/20 |
Girl Fight | Arcade | Majesco Entertainment | 2017/10/26 |
Go! Go! Break Steady | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/30 |
Goat Simulator | Games On Demand | Double Eleven Limited | 2017/10/12 |
Golden Axe* | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Golf: Tee It Up! | Arcade | Activision | 2017/04/20 |
Grabbed by the Ghoulies | Original Xbox | Microsoft | 2017/10/23 |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (original Xbox disc version also compatible) | Games On Demand | Rockstar Games | 2018/06/07 |
Greg Hastings Paintball 2* | Games On Demand | Majesco Entertainment | 2018/09/18 |
GRID 2 | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2016/03/21 |
GRID Autosport | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2018/06/26 |
Gripshift | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/30 |
GTA IV | Games On Demand | Rockstar Games | 2017/02/09 |
Guardian Heroes | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/11/08 |
Gunstar Heroes | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/04/06 |
Guwange | Arcade | CAVE | 2016/09/29 |
Gyromancer | Arcade | Square Enix | 2017/02/23 |
GYRUSS | Arcade | Konami | 2017/07/25 |
HALF-MINUTE HERO -Super Mega Neo Climax- | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/07/19 |
Halo 3 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/09/21 |
Halo 3: ODST Campaign Edition | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/09/21 |
Halo 4 | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/09/21 |
Halo Wars | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2016/03/28 |
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/09/21 |
Halo: Reach | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Halo: Spartan Assault | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Hard Corps: Uprising | Arcade | Konami | 2017/05/04 |
Hardwood Backgammon | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Hardwood Hearts | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Hardwood Spades | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Harms Way | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/05/04 |
Haunted House | Arcade | Atari | 2016/12/01 |
Heavy Weapon | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Hexic 2 | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/05/24 |
Hexic HD | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Hitman HD Pack | Games On Demand | IO Interactive | 2019/05/09 |
Hitman: Absolution | Games On Demand | IO Interactive A/S | 2017/02/14 |
Hitman: Blood Money | Games On Demand | IO Interactive A/S | 2018/03/06 |
Hunter: The Reckoning | Original Xbox | Interplay Entertainment | 2018/04/17 |
Hydro Thunder Hurricane | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Hydrophobia | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2019/02/26 |
I Am Alive | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2016/06/23 |
Ikaruga | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
ilomilo | Arcade | Xbox LIVE Arcade | 2017/05/23 |
Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb | Original Xbox | LucasArts | NEW |
Infinite Undiscovery | Games On Demand | Square Enix | NEW |
Injustice: Gods Among Us (+ disc only Ultimate Edition) | Games On Demand | Warner Bros. Interactive | 2016/12/01 |
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/04/04 |
Interpol | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/07/14 |
Iron Brigade | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Jade Empire | Original Xbox | Microsoft Studios | 2018/04/17 |
Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad | Arcade | D3 Publisher | 2016/01/21 |
Jet Set Radio | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/05/03 |
Jetpac Refuelled | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Jewel Quest | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/11/14 |
Joe Danger 2: The Movie | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/10/20 |
Joe Danger Special Edition | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/23 |
Joust | Arcade | Xbox LIVE Arcade | 2016/08/25 |
Joy Ride Turbo | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
JUJU | Games On Demand | Nordic Games | 2017/01/31 |
Jurassic Park: The Game | Games On Demand | Telltale Games | 2016/10/11 |
Just Cause | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2018/10/30 |
Just Cause 2 | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2015/11/12 |
Kameo: Elements of Power (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Kane & Lynch 2 | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2015/12/17 |
Killer Is Dead | Games On Demand | XSEED Games | 2016/10/27 |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2018/11/29 |
KOF SKY STAGE | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2017/10/12 |
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light | Arcade | Square Enix | 2018/02/20 |
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Anniversary | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2018/08/14 |
Lazy Raiders | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/06/07 |
Left 4 Dead (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/06/16 |
Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/03/29 |
LEGO Batman | Games On Demand | Warner Bros. Interactive | 2016/02/11 |
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes | Games On Demand | Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment | 2019/01/31 |
LEGO Indiana Jones | Games On Demand | LucasArts | 2017/02/07 |
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2018/01/25 |
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2015/11/12 |
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2018/10/23 |
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2018/03/06 |
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2015/11/12 |
LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2018/11/13 |
LIMBO | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/11/03 |
Lode Runner | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Lost Odyssey | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2016/09/29 |
Lost Planet 2 | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2019/02/21 |
Lost Planet 3 | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2019/02/21 |
Lost Planet Colonies | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2019/02/21 |
Lost Planet* | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2019/02/21 |
LUMINES LIVE! | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Luxor 2 | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/03/16 |
Mad Tracks | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/01/31 |
Madballs Babo: Invasion | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/03/16 |
Mafia II | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/02/13 |
Magic 2012 | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/05/24 |
Magic 2013 | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2018/01/18 |
Magic 2014 — Duels of the Planeswalkers | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2018/01/18 |
Magic: The Gathering | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2018/01/18 |
Marathon: Durandal | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2019/02/26 |
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of the Death | Arcade | 505 Games | 2017/11/28 |
Mars: War Logs | Arcade | Focus Home Interactive | 2016/06/30 |
Mass Effect | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Mass Effect 2 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/11/07 |
Mass Effect 3 | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/11/07 |
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond | Arcade | D3 Publisher | 2017/05/23 |
Medal of Honor Airborne | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/11/29 |
Meet the Robinsons | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2017/03/02 |
MEGA MAN 10 | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2017/01/12 |
MEGA MAN 9 | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2017/01/12 |
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance | Games On Demand | Konami | 2017/08/15 |
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 HD | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/10/09 |
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD Edition | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/03/13 |
Metal Slug 3 | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2015/11/12 |
Metal Slug XX | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2015/11/12 |
Midnight Club: Los Angeles (original & complete editions) | Games On Demand | Rockstar Games | 2018/06/07 |
Midway Arcade Origins | Games On Demand | Warner Bros. Interactive | 2017/01/19 |
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Military Madness: Nectaris | Arcade | Hudson Entertainment | 2016/11/17 |
Mirror’s Edge (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2015/11/12 |
Missile Command | Arcade | Atari | 2015/11/12 |
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine | Arcade | Majesco Entertainment | 2016/04/14 |
Monday Night Combat | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge | Arcade | Disney Interactive Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Monopoly Deal | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2017/09/14 |
MONOPOLY PLUS | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2016/06/09 |
Moon Diver | Arcade | Square Enix | 2017/02/23 |
Motocross Madness* | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Mr. DRILLER Online | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/08/02 |
MS. PAC-MAN | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2015/12/17 |
Ms. Splosion Man | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Mutant Storm Empire | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/01/19 |
Mutant Storm Reloaded | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/10/26 |
MX Unleashed | Original Xbox | THQ Nordic | 2018/04/26 |
MX vs. ATV Reflex | Games On Demand | THQ | 2016/05/03 |
N+ | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2015/11/12 |
NEW RALLY-X | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/08/02 |
NiGHTS into dreams… | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
NIN2-JUMP | Arcade | CAVE | 2016/08/02 |
NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor’s Edge | Games On Demand | TECMO KOEI GAMES | 2019/05/02 |
Ninja Gaiden Black | Original Xbox | Tecmo | 2017/10/23 |
NINJA GAIDEN II | Games On Demand | Tecmo | 2019/04/16 |
Oblivion (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Bethesda Softworks | 2016/11/29 |
Of Orcs and Men* | Games On Demand | Focus Home Interactive | 2016/09/08 |
Omega Five | Arcade | Hudson Entertainment | 2016/11/17 |
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2015/11/12 |
Operation Flashpoint: Red River* | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2016/11/08 |
Orcs Must Die! | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2019/02/12 |
Outland | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2016/04/06 |
Overlord | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2018/07/10 |
Overlord II | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2018/07/10 |
PAC-MAN | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/03/17 |
PAC-MAN Championship Edition | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2015/11/12 |
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2015/11/12 |
PAC-MAN MUSEUM | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/07/21 |
Panzer Dragoon Orta | Original Xbox | SEGA | 2018/04/17 |
Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory* | Original Xbox | THQ Nordic | 2018/04/26 |
Peggle | Arcade | PopCap Games | 2015/12/17 |
Peggle 2 | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2017/11/28 |
Perfect Dark (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Persona 4 Arena | Games On Demand | Atlus USA | 2017/11/14 |
Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie* | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | NEW |
Phantasy Star II | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/05/05 |
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds -Cocoa’s Nightmare Attack- | Arcade | Mages. | 2015/11/12 |
Pinball FX* | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Planets Under Attack | Arcade | TopWare Interactive | 2016/12/15 |
Plants vs. Zombies | Arcade | PopCap Games | 2015/11/12 |
Port Royale 3 Pirates & Merchants | Games On Demand | Kalypso Media | 2019/01/31 |
Portal 2 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/06/16 |
Portal: Still Alive (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Prey | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/02/13 |
Prince of Persia | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/08/07 |
Prince of Persia Classic | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | NEW |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | Original Xbox | Ubisoft | 2017/10/23 |
Psychonauts | Original Xbox | Microsoft | 2017/10/23 |
Pure* | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2016/11/22 |
Putty Squad | Arcade | System 3 Software Ltd | 2015/11/12 |
Puzzle Quest 2 | Arcade | D3 Publisher | 2016/10/04 |
Puzzle Quest Galactrix | Arcade | D3 Publisher | 2016/10/04 |
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords | Arcade | Xbox LIVE Arcade | 2016/10/13 |
Puzzlegeddon | Arcade | TECMO | 2016/05/10 |
QIX++ | Arcade | Taito Corporation | 2016/09/08 |
Quantum Conundrum | Arcade | Square Enix | 2017/07/18 |
R-Type Dimensions | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
R.U.S.E. | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/07/17 |
Radiant Silvergun | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/06/27 |
RAGE | Games On Demand | Bethesda Softworks | 2016/10/27 |
Raiden IV | Games On Demand | MOSS | 2017/07/25 |
Rainbow Six Vegas | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Raskulls | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/12/15 |
Rayman 3 HD | Arcade | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Rayman Legends | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2016/11/22 |
Rayman Origins | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2016/04/21 |
Rayman Raving Rabbids | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2019/01/10 |
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Rockstar Games | 2016/07/07 |
Red Faction 2 | Original Xbox | THQ Nordic | 2017/10/23 |
Red Faction: Armageddon | Games On Demand | THQ | 2017/07/25 |
Red Faction: Battlegrounds | Arcade | THQ | 2016/06/23 |
RESIDENT EVIL CODE: Veronica X | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2019/02/21 |
RoboBlitz | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/04/20 |
Rocket Knight | Arcade | Konami | 2017/01/26 |
Rockstar Table Tennis | Games On Demand | Rockstar Games | 2018/06/07 |
Rumble Roses XX | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/09/11 |
Sacred 3 | Games On Demand | Deep Silver | 2015/12/17 |
Sacred Citadel | Arcade | Deep Silver | 2015/11/12 |
Saints Row | Games On Demand | Koch Media | 2018/05/29 |
Saints Row 2 | Games On Demand | Koch Media | 2018/05/01 |
Saints Row IV | Games On Demand | Deep Silver | 2016/03/31 |
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell | Games On Demand | Deep Silver | 2018/05/29 |
Saints Row: The Third | Games On Demand | Koch Media | 2017/09/14 |
Sam & Max Save the World | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/01/21 |
Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/02/11 |
Samurai Shodown II | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2016/05/05 |
Scarygirl | Arcade | Square Enix | 2016/11/10 |
Scrap Metal | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/01/10 |
ScreamRide | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2017/08/15 |
SEGA Bass Fishing | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/06/09 |
Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sega Vintage Collection: ToeJam & Earl | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/08/03 |
Sensible World of Soccer | Arcade | Codemasters | 2018/06/26 |
Shadow Assault/Tenchu | Arcade | FromSoftware | 2017/05/23 |
Shadow Complex | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Shadowrun | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2016/12/08 |
Shadows of the Damned | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2017/01/26 |
Shank 2 | Arcade | Electronic Arts | 2016/08/11 |
Shinobi | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/05/23 |
Shotest Shogi | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/12/08 |
Shred Nebula | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/10/27 |
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2017/04/04 |
Sid Meier’s Pirates! | Original Xbox | 2K Games | 2017/10/23 |
Silent Hill Homecoming | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/07/24 |
Silent Hill: Downpour* | Games On Demand | Konami | 2016/10/13 |
Silent Hill: HD Collection | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/07/24 |
SINE MORA | Arcade | Nordic Games | 2018/08/07 |
Skate | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | NEW |
Skate 3 (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/11/10 |
Skullgirls | Arcade | MarvelousAQL | 2016/01/21 |
Skydive | Arcade | TopWare Interactive | 2016/12/15 |
Slender: The Arrival | Arcade | Midnight City | 2017/09/14 |
Small Arms | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/01/21 |
Sniper Elite V2 | Games On Demand | 505 Games | 2018/01/16 |
Soltrio Solitaire | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/03/28 |
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2016/10/04 |
Sonic & Knuckles | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/05/05 |
Sonic Adventure | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/09/28 |
Sonic Adventure 2 | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/11/30 |
Sonic CD | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sonic Generations (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2018/04/10 |
Sonic the Fighters | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/04/12 |
Sonic The Hedgehog | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 | Arcade | SEGA | 2015/11/12 |
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 Episode I | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/07/21 |
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode II | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/07/21 |
SONIC UNLEASHED | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2018/11/29 |
Soul Calibur II HD | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/01/21 |
Soulcalibur | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/03/28 |
South Park: The Stick of Truth | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2015/11/12 |
Space Ark | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/12/08 |
Space Giraffe | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/01/21 |
Space Invaders Infinity Gene | Arcade | Square Enix | 2017/02/23 |
Spec Ops: The Line | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/01/30 |
Spelunky | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
Sphinx and the Cursed Monkey | Original Xbox | THQ Nordic | NEW |
Splinter Cell Conviction (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/02/08 |
Split/Second | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2018/01/25 |
Splosion Man | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
SSX | Games On Demand | EA Sports | 2016/05/26 |
SSX 3 | Original Xbox | Electronic Arts | 2018/04/17 |
Stacking | Arcade | THQ | 2017/03/21 |
Star Ocean: The Last Hope | Games On Demand | Square Enix | NEW |
Star Wars Battlefront | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Star Wars Battlefront II | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Star Wars Republic Commando | Original Xbox | LucasArts | 2018/04/26 |
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | Original Xbox | Lucasarts | 2017/10/23 |
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2016/05/04 |
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2016/05/04 |
STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん | Games On Demand | 株式会社 MAGES. | 2017/05/18 |
STEINS;GATE 線形拘束のフェノグラム * | Games On Demand | 5pb. | 2017/05/18 |
STEINS;GATE(オリジナル版) | Games On Demand | 5pb. | 2017/05/18 |
Strania – The Stella Machina – | Arcade | G.rev | 2017/01/10 |
STREET FIGHTER IV | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2017/03/16 |
Stuntman: Ignition | Games On Demand | THQ | 2017/01/31 |
Super Contra | Arcade | Konami | 2017/09/14 |
Super Meat Boy | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo II HD Remix | Arcade | CAPCOM | NEW |
Super Streetfight IV Arcade Edition | Games On Demand | CAPCOM | 2017/07/13 |
Supreme Commander 2 | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2015/11/12 |
Syberia | Arcade | Bandai Namco | 2016/07/26 |
Syndicate | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | NEW |
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack | Arcade | Midnight City | 2015/11/12 |
Tecmo Bowl Throwback | Arcade | TECMO | 2017/11/14 |
TEKKEN 6 | Games On Demand | Bandai Namco | 2017/01/19 |
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 | Games On Demand | Bandai Namco | 2016/03/24 |
Texas Hold ‘Em | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/05/03 |
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/12/04 |
The Cave* | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/04/26 |
The Darkness | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/12/04 |
The Darkness II | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2018/01/30 |
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind | Original Xbox | Bethesda Softworks | 2018/04/17 |
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2017/02/23 |
The King of Fighters Neowave | Original Xbox | SNK Corporation | 2017/10/23 |
The King Of Fighters XIII | Games On Demand | SNK PLAYMORE | 2019/02/12 |
The King of Fighters ’98 Ultimate Match | Arcade | SNK PLAYMORE | 2016/03/28 |
The Maw | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/09/15 |
The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom | Arcade | 2K Play | 2018/01/30 |
The Orange Box (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Electronic Arts | 2016/10/30 |
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition | Arcade | Disney Interactive Studios | 2015/11/12 |
The Splatters | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/01/10 |
The Walking Dead | Arcade | Telltale Games | 2017/08/29 |
The Walking Dead: Michonne – Episode 1, In Too Deep | Games On Demand | Telltale Games | 2017/08/29 |
The Walking Dead: Season Two | Arcade | Telltale Games | 2017/08/29 |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | CD Projekt Red | 2016/01/21 |
Ticket to Ride | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/12/17 |
TimeShift | Games On Demand | Vivendi Universal Games | 2017/04/25 |
Tom Clancy’s EndWar | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/11/06 |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/07/03 |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2019/03/26 |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/03/13 |
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X * | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/11/06 |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell | Original Xbox | Ubisoft | NEW |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/07/31 |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory | Original Xbox | Ubisoft | NEW |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent | Original Xbox | Ubisoft | NEW |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Ubisoft | 2018/07/31 |
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow | Original Xbox | Ubisoft | NEW |
Tomb Raider Underworld | Games On Demand | Square Enix | 2017/07/27 |
Tomb Raider: Legend | Games On Demand | Eidos | 2018/08/14 |
Too Human | Games On Demand | Xbox Game Studios | NEW |
Torchlight | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Tour de France 2009 – The Official Game | Arcade | Focus Home Interactive | 2016/07/19 |
Tour de France 2011* | Games On Demand | Focus Home Interactive | 2016/10/11 |
Tower Bloxx Deluxe | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/03/21 |
Toy Soldiers | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Toy Soldiers: Cold War | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Toy Story 3 | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2016/09/29 |
Toybox Turbos | Games On Demand | Codemasters | 2018/05/29 |
Trials Evolution* | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2019/05/02 |
Trials HD | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/02/11 |
Triggerheart Exelica | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/07/28 |
Trine 2 | Arcade | Atlus USA | 2016/11/29 |
Tron: Evolution | Games On Demand | Disney Interactive Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Tropico 4 | Games On Demand | Kalypso Media | 2018/10/23 |
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon | Arcade | 345 Games / Comedy Central | 2015/11/12 |
Unbound Saga | Arcade | Xbox LIVE Arcade | 2016/05/24 |
Undertow | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2017/09/14 |
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict | Original Xbox | Epic Games | NEW |
Unreal Tournament 3 | Games On Demand | Epic Games, Inc. | NEW |
VANQUISH | Games On Demand | SEGA | 2018/02/20 |
Virtua Fighter 2 | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/07/18 |
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown | Arcade | SEGA | 2016/09/15 |
Virtual-On* | Arcade | SEGA | 2017/09/14 |
Viva Piñata (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Viva Piñata: Trouble In Paradise (Xbox One X Enhanced) | Games On Demand | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 | Arcade | CAPCOM | 2017/06/27 |
Wolfenstein 3D | Arcade | Bethesda Softworks | 2015/11/12 |
Word Puzzle | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2016/09/20 |
XCOM: Enemy Unknown | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2016/05/24 |
XCOM: Enemy Within | Games On Demand | 2K Games | 2016/06/09 |
Yosumin! LIVE | Arcade | Square Enix | 2017/10/26 |
Zone of the Enders HD Collection* | Games On Demand | Konami | 2018/09/11 |
Zuma | Arcade | Microsoft Studios | 2015/11/12 |
Zuma’s Revenge! | Arcade | PopCap Games | 2015/12/17 |
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